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Händler aus Luxemburg
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Who am I? Wie sinn ech? (version LU-EN)

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Verkauf durch Languages.lu in Luxemburg Stadt

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Do you know who the first Luxembourgish woman to obtain a doctorate was, our first female deputy, the first woman president of the Chamber of Deputies, the first Luxembourgish composer, the first female mayor of the City of Luxembourg, the sportswoman known as "the Grand Duchess of cycling", the country's first female entrepreneur or the Luxembourger who is the only woman in the world to have won the "Bocuse d'or" award?

Who are these women who have marked the history of the country, either in education, culture, sport or politics?

If you are curious to discover them or to learn more about their inspiring journeys, Languages.lu and Inspiring-Men offer you a special edition of the educational game "Wie sinn ech?" Who am I ? ".

An initiative to mark this year’s International Women's Day, this game presents 25 profiles of inspiring women from Luxembourg and 30 from the rest of the world, and you have to guess who they are.

Two versions of the game are available: LU-FR and LU-EN.

Daniela Clara Moraru is founder of Languages.lu (2004), as well as the main organizations dedicated to women in Luxembourg: Inspiring Wo-Men (2009), Femmes Leaders (2007) and FFCEL (2004).

This game is her 9th learning material published in Luxembourgish. In addition, she has written two books on inspiring women from Luxembourg and the Greater Region.

In 2013, Mrs. Moraru was recognized as “Woman inspiring Europe” by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

Clara holds a Master’s degree in Management from ULBS (Sibiu, Romania) and a MBA specialized in Marketing and International Business from Sacred Heart University, Jack Welsh College of Business (Luxembourg – USA). Since 2015, she is also a certified independent director (INSEAD). She lives in Luxembourg since 1998.


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boulevard du Prince Henri 29, L-1724 Luxembourg


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