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Suzuki Yoshihiro: Understanding japanese buddhist sculpture through visual comparison /anglais/japonais

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When we look a Buddhist statue relying on information we have previously learned about types, periods, and creators of the statue, we tend to walk by the statue after scanning the caption and giving only a casual glance at its appearance and little thought to how it was made. Once we confirm the previously learned information about the statue, the statue itself immediately begins to fade from our minds. What then would be helpful in providing a more lasting appreciation of such works?This book introduces the necessary steps and a way to view Buddhist sculpture that will lead to a deeper appreciation. By applying the basic steps and way of viewing recommended in this book, you can deepen the impressions that you gain with your own eyes. This will allow you to make new discoveries each time you view a Buddhist sculpture, as well as deepening your understanding. Armed with this book, you'll find yourself needing to consult only the most basic information as your own knowledge expands and you are guided to a more profound understanding of the world of Buddhist sculpture.


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