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Molix Strick Flex 2.75''

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
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Lieferung in 2 bis 5 Werktagen für 6,99 €
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Made with the new MOLIX FORMULA developed by Molix, an extremely soft and flexible floating compound, which is more resistant to cutting and which is added with salt and shrimp scent. The Stick Flex is a finesse bait with an extremely effective finesse action on multiple types of rigs such as Wacky-rig, Jig head and Ned-rig. The swimming action combined with the exclusive buoyancy of the material, guarantee an excellent lifelike stand up action of the bait when it is skipped on the bottom. MOLIX FORMULA baits not only have a specific design, but are also more resistant than other plastic materials.
stickflex2.75 stickflex2,75
Length: 7 cm (2.75 in)


HOOKS: OH1200 (#2, #3) OH2600 (#2, #3) OH1900 (#1/0), OH1600 (#1/0), OH1100 (#1/0)
JIG HEADS: OJ200 (#1, #1/0), OJ700 (#1), OJ700S (#1), OJ1300 (#1, #1/0), OJ500 (#1), OJ800 (#2), OJ1500 (#1), OJ900 (#1), OJ400 (#1/0)


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Angelsport, Reptilien

rue Neuve 15, L-6467 Echternach


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