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Jackson, Anna: Expo: International Expositions 1851-2010

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A vibrant and engaging history colorfully illustrated with posters, ephemera, photographs, and catalogs, this book traces the past, present, and future of expositions across the globe, from Europe to Asia to America. From Paris's Eiffel Tower to Seattle's Space Needle, some of the world's most recognizable monuments to innovation have been created for international expositions. Unsurpassed in its scale and confidence, the World's Fair has helped to shape the modern world and ranks among the most spectacular, popular, and important gatherings ever staged. Since the enormous success of London's Great Exhibition of 1851, no other event has brought the international community together to showcase its ambitions and achievements like international expositions, and no other book explores the history of these sensational events quite like this one.


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Rue de la Reine 4, L-2418 Luxembourg


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