Vendors from Luxembourg city
Rated 4.8 on Google with 1,200+ reviews
Supported by strong public sector partners
Vendors from Luxembourg city
Rated 4.8 on Google with 1,200+ reviews
Supported by strong public sector partners
Luxembourg city Logo

Fine food, Food


in Luxembourg

In 2001, Chantal Ley took over a small grocery store at 3 rue Chimay in Luxembourg and will transform it into a delicatessen with a selection of products unique in Luxembourg. Three years later, the small business is moved to 17 rue Louvigny and the sales program is expanded. She is assisted by her husband Michel. A trip to Rue Louvigny is a must, discovering the assortment is like a trip around the world, in spices, charcuterie, cheeses, chocolates, jams, teas and coffees, etc. A well-stocked wine library in the city with rare spirits completes the picture.

We look forward to your visit!

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Rue Louvigny 17
L-1946 Luxembourg

Opening hours

Monday 12:00-18:00
Tuesday 08:15-18:00
Wednesday 08:15-18:00
Thursday 08:15-18:00
Friday 08:15-18:00
Saturday 08:15-18:00

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