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Händler aus Luxemburg Stadt
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Einkaufen in Luxemburg StadtSpielzeuge & Spiele365 Days to Learn Luxembourgish - with audio files

365 Days to Learn Luxembourgish - with audio files

Made in Luxembourg
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This is an innovative learning tool: a no-date calendar with 365 pages for you to turn one by one, at work or home, and learn step by step, a little bit every day. A great end of the year gift and a motivation to start learning Luxembourgish!
The learning process can be started all year long, but also on the 1st of January (if this is one of your New Year’s resolutions). Explanations are provided in French and English, and audio files offer pronounciation support all year long.

The 365 audio files can be donwloaded free of charge from our website below:
Click on "Download audio files" under the description of each learning material.

For each printed version calendar you are buying here on Letzshop or directly from Languages.lu, you can also receive the audio eBook "365 days to learn Luxembourgish". Kindly contact us on info@languages.lu.

The author, Daniela Clara Moraru, is the first person whose mother tongue is not Luxembourgish to have received the prestigious Dicks-Rodange-Lentz award, in January 2023, for "remarquable service to the Luxembourgish language". She is also founder and director of Languages.lu, which celebrated its 20th anniversary in June 2024.


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boulevard du Prince Henri 29, L-1724 Luxembourg


Montag 13:00-18:00
Dienstag 13:00-18:00
Mittwoch 13:00-18:00
Donnerstag 13:00-18:00
Freitag 12:00-18:00
Termin auf Anfrage.

365 Days Luxembourgish
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