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Free delivery 6-7 working days
Have a beautiful bouquet of red roses delivered with a free gift card!
Bouquet of 15 red roses with leaves and grasses.
Do you want to declare your love to someone or emphasize once again how much you love that special person? Say it with a beautiful bouquet of red roses! A bouquet of red roses is, of course, the ultimate gesture of love. Have them delivered to someone's home and you can be sure that your romantic message will be received!
All our bouquets are packaged and sent directly from the flower auction. This way you will receive fresh flowers of the best quality! The flowers are delivered to the recipient in a luxurious gift box with a free gift card. This colorful surprise is complete!
During check-out you can add a message for the gift card!
The flowers are delivered by a specialized carrier and you can follow via Track & Trace when the bouquet is delivered. So it's quick and easy to send the freshest bouquet. It's never been easier!
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Avenue Pasteur 52, L-2310 Luxembourg