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Shopping in LuxembourgVehicles & PartsVehicle Parts & AccessoriesOsram Headlight bulb H1 Raystar Advanced 2.0

Osram Headlight bulb H1 Raystar Advanced 2.0

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The most powerful halogen light from OSRAM These headlight bulbs shine up to 150 % brighter compared to the legal minimum requirements. The highly developed filament ensures extra strong luminosity. As a result, the light cone of these lamps is up to 150 m long and 20 % whiter than the minimum legal requirements. More light and improved visibility can enable drivers to recognize hazards earlier and react to them more quickly. The ideal lamp for performance-oriented drivers with the highest demands on light output!

Product details:

  • Type: H1
  • Voltage: 12V
  • Output: 55 W
  • Light color: white
  • Content: 1 piece
  • Up to 150 % more brightness
  • Up to 150 m long light cone
  • up to 20 % whiter light
  • Manufacturer/Supplier no. : 395502:OSRAM

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OsramOSRAM GmbH, Marcel-Breuer-Straße 6, 80807 München,

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