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Trusted by over 150.000 users and 400 local retailers
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Lang Yarns MYSTERY 50g

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This is what love would look like if it had a color. MYSTERY is made of a whopping 92% Merino Extra Fine and is also super washable. This makes the yarn even softer and you can wash it without any problems.

  • Quality: 92% virgin wool, 8% polyamide
  • Weight: 50g
  • Running length: 110m
  • Needle size: 8-9mm
  • Stitch gauge 10x10cm: 13M, 21R

Consumption: men/M approx. =550g, women/M approx. =400g, 10 Years approx. 300g

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Bastelkiste GmbH

Painting, Bastelware

Rue du Fort Elisabeth 17, L-1463 Luxembourg

Opening hours

Monday 09:00-18:00
Tuesday 09:00-18:00
Wednesday 09:00-18:00
Thursday 09:00-18:00
Friday 09:00-18:00
Saturday 09:00-18:00

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