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Bolman, Lee G.: Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership

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The Classic Leadership Resources Now In Its 5th Edition!First published in 1984, Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal's bestselling text has become a classic in the field. Its four-frame model provides four different perspectives through which organizations can be understood.The Structural Frame focuses on organization structure and provides insight into how managers and leaders within organizations can better organize and structure organizations, groups, and teams to get results.The Human Resource Frame focuses on the people in organizations and provides insight into how to tailor organizations to satisfy human needs, improve human resource management, and build positive interpersonal and group dynamics.The Political Frame focuses on the political dynamics in organizations and examines how managers and leaders in organizations can understand power and conflict, build coalitions, hone political skills, and deal with internal and external politics.The Symbolic Frame focuses on meaning and culture in organizations, and provides insight into how leaders and managers can shape culture, stage organizational drama for internal and external audiences, and build spirit through ritual, ceremony, and story.Bolman and Deal update their classic with coverage of pressing issues such as globalization, changing workforces, offshoring, and leadership across cultures. An Instructor's Guide and personal leadership orientations assessment are available online at


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