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Händler aus Luxemburg Stadt
Bei Google mit 1.200+ Bewertungen mit 4,8 bewertet
Unterstützt von starken Partnern aus dem öffentlichen Sektor
Luxemburg Stadt Logo
Gerovital H3

Wellbeing gift box dr. Ana Aslan

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Dieses Produkt ist derzeit leider ausverkauft.

Lieferung in 2 bis 5 Werktagen für 2,99 €

Internationaler Versand (DE, FR, BE, NL)

Lieferung in 2 bis 5 Werktagen für 8,99 €

Selbstabholung im Geschäft - "Click & Collect"

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A little Thank you goes a long way. A wellbeing gift box goes even further!

Whether for an employee, your boss, a friend or yourself, this Wellbeing gift box is the perfect gift for the mind and body, and it comes in different formats to suit all your different needs and budgets.

The Wellbeing gift box dr. Ana Aslan includes:

  • the educational game "Wie sinn ech - Who am I - Inspiring Wo-Men" including the profiles and journeys of 55 inspiring women (25 from Luxembourg and 30 from the rest of the world), including the one of prof. dr. Ana Aslan;

  • the book "Women Leadership in the Greater Region. The keys to success according to 100 women leaders";

  • from the famous dr. Ana Aslan featured in our educational game: an anti wrinkle Gerovital cream with hyaluronic acid which is recognized for its anti-aging properties that improve skin tone and reduce fine lines and wrinkles; known as the "fountain of youth", Gerovital was used by personalities such as Indira Gandhi, Marlene Dietrich, Konrad Adenauer, J.F. Kennedy, Charles de Gaulle, Kirk Douglas or Salvador Dali;

  • a red lipstick with hyaluronic acid to hydrate your lips and enhance your natural beauty;

  • a Languages.lu notebook to write your daily affirmations on.


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boulevard du Prince Henri 29, L-1724 Luxembourg


Montag 13:00-18:00
Dienstag 13:00-18:00
Mittwoch 13:00-18:00
Donnerstag 13:00-18:00
Freitag 12:00-18:00
Termin auf Anfrage.

365 Days Luxembourgish
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